Tuesday, March 22, 2011


First Day of Spring
So, I read a bunch of blogs by various people in many different parts of the world.  Lately, a lot of them have been talking about spring.  I'm trying really hard not to be envious, jealous and bitter, but I don't have much to work with, as you can see above.  I took that picture yesterday on my home from work.  You can't see where the snow stops and the sky begins.  Neither could I when I took that picture.  The whole world was very grey.  We have had snow here since November 16th.  With no breaks.  I feel a bit like it's the never ending winter, after the non-existent summer.  I want to believe there's a light at the end of the tunnel, but forgive me for being skeptical.

It is somewhat representative of how I've been feeling about my life lately though (which is why it's worth mentioning here.)  It's been a long winter.  A lot of change has happened this winter, and it's been pretty emotional.  On top of that, it's been (unexpectedly) extremely busy, and just when there was a light at the end of the tunnel, it was snatched away.  (My part time job in Calgary didn't end when it was supposed to.  A blessing really, but it meant I didn't get the break I was looking forward to.)  

I hope you don't hear my complaining, because I'm not.  I'm more wanting to get across the state of my soul.  I am tired.  I feel empty.  I feel a bit monotonous.  But I am reminded that this is a season, and while it's lasting longer than I'd like, it too, will end.  And in the midst of the season, there are glimpses of brightness and joy.  I work with a great group of students.  (See my last post for proof of this).  Lately, I have seen them rising to challenges, and growing, and wanting to go deeper in their faith and relationships with God.  The other highlight is when they ask me to go for coffee with them.  Whether it's to talk about difficult situations, or just about life in general, I am honored that they trust me enough to make this gesture.  

So even in the longest, darkest, snowiest winters, there are hints of brightness, and the promise of spring.  I am choosing to believe that it will not last forever.


  1. Amen...Corinne...there are hints of brightness...they are coming...there is a light at the end of the tunnel...hang in there.

  2. "No matter what kind of night you're having, morning always wins." - Barbara Kingsolver

    Hang on dear friend. Your morning is coming. I'll be praying for you.
