Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A New Perspective

I really like sleeping.  I'm usually pretty good at it too.  But once in a while, (or sometimes for long periods of time), I'm not so good at it.  In the last week I've watched the sunrise 5 times.  Okay, well I haven't actually watched the sun rise, but I've seen the sky get lighter through the curtains in my bedroom window, from my bed.  It's happening at about 4 AM.  That is an hour when I should be sleeping, but haven't been.  I've been frustrated, impatient, and several times I've given up and watched a show on my laptop, or played games on my phone.  

This morning I read a blog post from a lady who has also been awake during those small number hours when it seems inhumane (and ungodly?) to be awake. She has vowed to make coffee, get up, and watch the next time it happens.  And I'm going to 'join her'.  All week I've been frustrated, annoyed and tired (hmm, wonder why?)  But I am going to choose to get up, make coffee (absolutely necessary at that time of day!) and instead of begrudging the fact that I'm awake, I'm going to see it as an invitation from God to join him in the quiet stillness of the day not quite there yet.  It will be a stretch, and I probably won't like it all the time, but I'll do it.  And I'm anticipating great things God!  

On the flip side of the day, last summer I decided I needed to spend more time outside.  I bought a great lawnchair (footrest attached!), and set it up on the porch, looking west as many nights as I could.  I bathed myself in mosquito spray, took water, books, a journal and pen, and was still.  I think it's the best time of the day in the summer - the evening time when the sun sinks just a little lower from the sky, and the shadows get longer.  In the country things are peaceful and quiet (mostly.)  I was occasionally joined by the 2 cats, the dog and some children, but it was good.  It was restful.  Maybe these mornings will come to be a similar experience.