Today was the kind of day I've been waiting all winter for. It was warm, sunny, quiet and simple. It was the kind of day that is good for my soul.
My niece was thrilled to see me again this morning. It's only been 3 weeks since I've seen her, and she's old enough now to remember me. My sister and I walked her to daycare a little later, and it was already warm and sunny. Next was naptime. Then a 2 hour walk with my sister and my new nephew, Gavin.
Then came the picnic in the park for supper, followed by play time. It was warm. It was sunny. It was simple and refreshing.
And tonight, as the sun was going down, the streets were getting quiet and the birds were singing, I sat on the front porch and was quiet. Gavin slept in my lap, and I chatted with the neighbors. It was the simple, calm, peaceful day I've been waiting months for. There was no busy-ness today. There was no sense of 'I need to get this done today'. It was just a day to enjoy and be.
Sounds absolutely delightful!